Sunday, March 4, 2012


Hey World,

Another day another blog; I AM SO EXCITED FOR SPRING BREAK! You really don’t know how excited I am. The reason is because I am going on a conference called Big Break. OK, you are probably now  wondering hey mike what is this Big Break you speak of; well Big Break is a conference of Christians that colleges around America go on to talk and worship for six days. I am going with twenty others from Campus Crusades or CRU for short. The conference is happening at Panama Beach Florida, that’s right ladies somebody getting there golden tan on. We will be taking vans up to make the eighteen to nineteen hour drive. Since being a youth leader at my church in Downingtown I really needed to find a group here at West Chester now that I live on campus. So guys I leave you with one question, what are you looking forward to for spring break?

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    It sounds like you have a great spring break ahead of you! I look forward to seeing what your trip to FL was like once you blog about it. As for me, I am most looking forward to returning home to Long Island to see my mom and dog. I haven't been home since Christmas break, and a visit is long overdue!
